Rumble: Italian Men...
I was having a coffee on a terrace (yep, it is still 25+ degrees over here!) with one of my closest and dearest friends. We were talking about Italy, the difference in culture, mentality and food between the different places we lived in.
I asked her: "So, as a woman, how do you see the difference between Italian men and others. What is so typical for Italian men?"
She answered: "Well..., Italian men are almost human!" :-)
It was a slip of the tongue, and she actually meant something different, but I thought it was a nice quote...
We -men- still have some work to do on ourselves... I tried to describe some of the challenges of being a woman in a men's world (for as far as I -as a man- see this) in this short story...
I have to agree with your amica ;)
I've been watching the cats in my yard, which I've been feeding since my dog died, and they have a lot in common with humans. Suffice it say, men are animals (okay, one step above), but would we women want them any other way?
Unfortunately it is not based on how many places in the world you have travelled or lived, or what the type of job you do, it is not even the age, the culture, or the education... A man can be considered "REAL MAN" when he can walk tall in the knowledge he is HONEST AND HOW TO RESPECT THE OTHERS (WOMEN INCLUDED...) Nowadays not easy even for an aid worker... Some of them infact use this new "OFF-LIMITS WORK POSITION" to take everything off from women and then running away like cowards...
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