Our Kiva project #11: Maria Castillo

Here is a summary of The Road's 11th social project:
A micro-financing loan to Maria España Ugaz Castillo in Peru.
Maria belongs to the "Mujeres Perseverantes" ("Persevering Women") Communal Bank, in the Calleria district, the region of Ucayali (Peru). She is 52 and has three grown children.
She has been working with the Communal Bank for 2 years and invested her first loan ($100) into the sale of cooked beans. The investment has increased her sales and she has been blessed with an ever expanding number of clients.
Today, she sells a wider variety of regional bean dishes. She gets up at 3 a.m. to cook so that her dishes will be ready for sale in the Micaela Bastidas market by 6 a.m.
With this new loan of $400, she will buy 15 kilos of beans. (See also Maria's full profile on Kiva)
This loan goes through "Manuela Ramos / CrediMUJER", the local micro financing partner of Kiva.
Loan Request: $400
Repayment terms: 4 months (Deadline Apr 15 2009)
We gave her a loan of US$50
This is The Road's 11th social project. The funds for this loan were donated by the VK0IR Heard Island expedition team.
More on The Road's social project "Change Starts Here".
You can keep track of our project via our score card.
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