The Road- Kiva project 12: Quirudis Altagracia

Here is a summary of The Road's 12th social project:
A micro-financing loan to
the Quirudis Altagracia Women
in the Dominican Republic.
the Quirudis Altagracia Women
in the Dominican Republic.
The leader of this group, Quirudis Altagracia, is an experienced and confident businesswoman. She owns and operates a successful grocery store located in her community, Guanuma, in Yamasa (Dominican Republic).
About a year ago, she received a loan to strengthen her business, allowing her to restock her store, adding new products which were in high demand in her neighborhood.
With profits from her business, Quirudis was able to start the concrete foundation for her house. She would like to expand her business to finish her house construction, and to support her family.
Quirudis is joined in her group by: Santa Acevedo Henrique, a high-spirited and hard-working woman who sells women's clothing; Silvestrina Mariano, who operates a fruit stand; and Yocelin Estevez and Miliota Milien, who sell clothing and underwear in the neighborhood.
The photo shows from left to right: Santa, Quirudis, Silvestrina, Yocelin and Miliota. (See also the group's full profile on Kiva)
This loan goes through "Fundación San Miguel Arcángel", the local micro financing partner of Kiva.
Loan Request: $1,525
Repayment terms: 5 months (Deadline June 15 2009)
We gave her a loan of US$50
This is The Road's 12th social project. The funds for this loan were donated by the VK0IR Heard Island expedition team.
More on The Road's social project "Change Starts Here".
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