Rumble: The Road's Kiva project 5: Sopheap Chun

Here is a summary of The Road's fifth social project:
A micro-financing loan to the Sopheap Chun Village Group in Cambodia.
Sopheap Chun is 22 mother of two children. She is married to Chhit Ka, who is a palm juice collector.
Sopheap is the village bank president of a bank loan which consists of fifteen people, in Andoung Russey (Kampong Chhnang Province in Cambodia). She is also a pot maker in the local village.
She is looking to purchase new equipment for their business. A loan would also allow her to buy additional materials to produce more palm sugar.
This is an End-of-Term village bank loan, considered as the most beneficial to Cambodia’s poor. It allows them to repay portions of the principal whenever they are financially able to. Most start to make payments many months before the end of the loan term. (See the group's full profile on Kiva)
This loan goes through "AMK", the local micro financing partner of Kiva.
Loan Request: $1,900
Repayment terms: 11 months (Deadline Dec 15 2009)
We gave them a loan of US$100
This is The Road's 5th social project. The funds for this loan were donated by the VK0IR Heard Island expedition team.
More on The Road's social project "Change Starts Here".
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