Rumble: The Road's Kiva project 8: Khursheed Anwar

Here is a summary of The Road's 8th social project:
A micro-financing loan to the Khursheed Anwar Women's Group in Pakistan.
Khursheed baji is the wife of Anwar and has been living in Riwind, Pakistan for the past 6 years.
She completed her education only until the 5th grade because her family was poor and could not afford her education expenses.
Khursheed baji is the mother of five children: two sons and three daughters. Her elder son runs a small hotel in his community. The remaining children are enrolled in a neighborhood school. Khursheed baji’s husband has been selling wood for the past 10 years, and she sells clothes. She buys second hand sweaters at cheap prices and resells them in her community.
Khursheed baji has successfully repaid her first loan, and is now applying for a loan to buy more warm clothes and sweaters to increase her profit. She is joined in her loan group by a few more women:
- Rahmat baji is requesting a loan to buy more shoes for resale.
- Sakina baji is requesting a loan to buy tools used to fix electronic items (air conditioners, tube lights).
- Parveen baji is requesting a loan to buy oil and gas for resale.
- Safia baji and Naseem baji are requesting a loan to buy more wood for resale.
This is a group loan. The loan funds will be distributed among the group members, each of whom will invest in their own business. The members mutually guarantee one another's loans. If one member does not repay, the other members are responsible for repayment. (Khursheed's full profile on Kiva)
This loan goes through "Asasah", the local micro financing partner of Kiva.
Loan Request: $1,550
Repayment terms: spread over 11 months (Deadline Dec 15 2009)
We gave her a loan of US$75
This is The Road's 8th social project. The funds for this loan were donated by the VK0IR Heard Island expedition team.
More on The Road's social project "Change Starts Here".
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