News: Reality check - East Congo by the number

A woman carries her belongings past Congolese army soldiers
as she flees to escape fighting in Eastern Congo (DRC)
With fighting renewed between the government and rebel troops, and the UN "shooting in the air" in between, a reminder is needed at what this means for the 'ordinary people'. (Full)
A recent report report entitled "Living With Fear" offers an insight as to how life is in East Congo, based on a survey of 4,000 people.
Here is East Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) by numbers:
55%: interrogated or persecuted by armed groups
53%: forced to work or enslaved
46%: beaten by armed groups
46% threatened with death
34%: abducted for at least a week
23%: witnessed an act of sexual violence
16%: victims of sexual violence
More posts on The Road about DRC
Picture courtesy AP Photo/Riccardo Gangale
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