Picks of the week: Vigilante Journalist and others
There are many treasures out there in the blogosphere and the Internet in general, which give a perspective on the humanitarian causes. I decided to start a new series on The Road, pulling treasures together in one short post. I will call them "Picks of the Week". Here we go.
Vigilante Journalist Anne Holmes reports on human rights and social issues in developing nations and conflict zones around the world.Harry Rud is an aidworker in Afghanistan. He features great pictures and excellent writing.
Humanitarian Relief blogged by Michael, an aid worker, lawyer, and consultant, as part of the change.org initiative.
Louder than Swahili by long time blogger Pernille, who moved to Tanzania since a while. She has been one of my role models in blogging.
Pictures from the Ethiopia famine reminded me why I am doing the work I do.
The UnCultured Project shows how one young man decided to do his bit for a better world. Hat off to Shawn.
One Mango Tree uses a fair trade model to provide income generating opportunities for women in impoverished and conflict-ridden areas of the globe. Our first project is now underway in northern Uganda. (thanks Rebekah)
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