Picks of the week: DoSomething, volunteering and DoodleBuzz.
Here are the interesting links I harvested this week:
- DoSomething.org believes you have the power to make a difference. They want to inspire, support and celebrate a generation of doers: people who see the need to do something, believe in their ability to get it done, and then take action. DoSomething.org lists plenty of projects you can contribute to.
- FeedANeed.org is social media giant Reddit's exploit matching volunteers with non-for-profit organisations in need of volunteering time. Instead of asking for monetary donations, they ask people to donate a few hours of their skills & energy. So if you are a programmer, designer, artist, lawyer, geology professor, bacon cooker, or anyone else with a few hours to spend for a good cause participate in this year's Feed a Need charity drive.
- OnlineVolunteering is the online brokerage by the UN Volunteers. They feature a massive database of specific volunteering jobs anywhere in the world, from online to onsite, from a few hours per month to a few months per year. I did several online volunteering jobs through them.
- If you are interested in volunteering work abroad, then also check NaBuur: an online volunteering platform linking Neighbours with Villages (local communities) in Africa, Asia and Latin America. I integrated this site into my post "So You Want To Be An Aidworker, hey?".
- WikiSky is a wiki for astronomy bluffs. Remember that 2009 is the International Year of Astronomy
- Then there is this site which encourages you to send your shoes to Bush "to show what you think of the war mongering administration."
- One Million Acts of Green is a social network with the ambitious goal of getting people to take 1,000,000 acts to make the world a greener planet.
- And last but not least... Have you tried reading the news using DoodleBuzz (see picture above)? Go to their site, click on 'Open DoodleBuzz', in the new window, type in a News search item. And then draw a line by click-dragging anywhere on the screen. Along that line, a number of articles will pop up.
Click and drag on any of the articles, and a summary will appear at the end of the line. With a number of new search items. Click and drag on those, and a new set of articles will appear... Each time you see an article summary, clicking on it, opens up the original news source... This should keep you entertained for a while.
More Picks of the Week on The Road.
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