Picks of the week: Microfinancing, monitoring aid and file sharing.

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Here are the interesting links I harvested this week:

  • Third Sector is a new discovery. A UK on-line publication for everyone who needs to know what’s going on in the voluntary and not-for-profit sector.
  • Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA) is a nonprofit organization that creates and evaluates approaches to solving development problems, and disseminates information about what works and what does not to policymakers, practitioners, investors and donors around the world.
  • Marginal Revolution goes under the banner "Small steps toward a much better world". It is witty, it is informative, and fun to read.
  • AidWatch is a new blog keeping a critical eye on the efficiency of aid.-- Added to the list of "Aid Resources" in the side column.
  • For the nerds amongst you: drop.io allows you to share any file, for free. I use it to share .pdf files.
  • Wokai is a new startup microfinancing platform where you can fund entrepreneurs in China. An alternative to Kiva?
  • Africa Can End Poverty is the blog of Shanta Devarajan, the Chief Economist of the Africa Region at the World Bank. Sounds very formal, but his blog is not. Recommended!!

More Picks of the Week on The Road.


Bhalchander 02 February, 2009 18:45  

Thanks for sharing the links. Many of them are quite useful.

You could check http://www.unitedprosperity.org

We also have a blog.

We will be launching soon.

Best Regards

Peter 03 February, 2009 02:35  


Thanks for the tip. Will include it in my next 'picks of the week'


Money saving Tips 05 April, 2010 12:42  

I am not such an expert on international practice - although I know there is an Indian mf trade association (the name of which completely escapes me for the movement) but the key contact there is Titus Alexander. I suggest you try and contact him for more advice. I am sure you are well aware of the CGAP site, but do check out for potential training courses for international practice

Debt Management 19 April, 2010 09:01  

The purpose of this manual is to build on the work of the SEEP Financial Services Working Group by providing a tool for MFI board members to aid them in understanding the role of financial performance monitoring as part of governance. The manual also introduces the reader to the key elements of monitoring financial performance. It is the board’s responsibility to secure a successful future for its organization, taking advantage of opportunities and warding off threats. In order to accomplish this, board members must know how to analyze financial performance data and understand what that data reveal about the MFI’s future.

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