Sunset this evening

I live half a mile from the beach in Fregene, near Rome. As today was such a gorgeous day, I went for a walk around sunset... Look at the movie the Gods played on the beach this evening:

Sunset on the beach near Rome

Sunset near Rome

And to make it all picture perfect, they injected
this "guy fishing in the sea" into the script:

Sunset on the beach near Rome

Watch this evening's pictures in a Flickr slideshow

More on The Road about Rome, Italy, or living in Italy.


Di Mackey 25 January, 2009 00:35  

Oh god, and here I am, a New Zealander living in Belgium, dying of envy over your photographs :)


Loved your story of leaving the safe life. Congratulations.

Peter 25 January, 2009 11:20  

Hi Di!

Looked at your photographs.. You have so much more talent than me... I just snap away... ;-)

But Belgium gives some good snapshot opportunities too, no? Published some about the coast a month ago... And the sunset on the banner is from Belgium too.. ;-)

Just a pity the summer in Belgium lasts only about 4 hours :-((


Di Mackey 27 April, 2009 21:30  

I returned and had to laugh about the 4 hour summer. Yes! However this spring is going well and so I am hopeful.

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