Picture of the day: Humanitarian space

Every Red Cross vehicle in the world is emblazoned with a logo of a Kalashnikov with a red line through it - No Guns on Board. The Red Cross symbol alone should - but alas is not - be the only protection aid workers need, as the Red Cross (or Crescent) symbol is enshrined in international law signifying that the bearer takes no part in hostilities. (Full)
More Pictures of the Day on The Road.
Picture courtesy Paul Conneally, a fellow aid worker and blogger
this image was part of a hoax from the 2006 war between israel and lebanon...
Ooops.. that is interesting.. do you have any sources for that? By itself, it makes an interesting story...
(if it is from that area, I wonder why the roof has a cross and not a red crescent)... Curious to know more about this..
Yes sometimes having a RED Cross is not enough. What can you do.
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