Views from Tuscany
Let me tell you again. I LOVE to live in Italy. You drive for twenty minutes and discover a new treasure. This country has more sea shore than any other European country, it has mountains, hills, and flats. It has history, culture, excellent food and lovely people.
I just love to sit somewhere on a bench, a stone, or in the fields and breath it all in.
Just a little while ago, we drove two hours up north, into the south part of Tuscany. Just look at these treasures:

More on The Road about Italy and living in Italy
I love your blog, which I have just discovered, and the story of your life so far. I'm another expat living in Italy, and loving it although my life has considerably fewer thrills I too have moved quite a bit and enjoy my outsider status. I wondered if you might know anything about women in the carabinieri - through your aid experience, or know someone who might. Other than the statistics, that is - I'm researching a book and long to talk to someone who has some experience of women in the carabinieri - the tiny caserma in our village is beginning to view me a little askance with my wide ranging questions, and don't have much of the sort of experience that I need! I'm fluent in Italian so if you could direct me to any sites I'd be very grateful! Thank you!
I have asked someone 'in the know'... Will reply to you in these comments once I get an answer...
I tried to get the information, but up to this point, did not get anything concrete... sorry!
are you still following the thread of these comments? I got an email address to get this information.. Pse email me via
peter (at) theroadtothehorizon (dot) org
and I will send you the information..
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