The subjectivity of war hunger

A week ago, it seemed that a military intervention in Libya was far fetched. Less so today.
That raises the question of the norms the international community uses to determine for which countries it should intervene.
If it is:
- use of unreasonable armed force against civilians
- atrocities against civilian population
- instigating civil war
- causing a mass exodus of civilian refugees
... then Israel should have been "invaded" a long time ago, I guess.
Certainly when we think of using internationally banned weapons against civilians and civilian targets (use of white phosphorus in densely populated civilian areas of Gaza), economic sanctions against Israel would have been justified. As well as expelling them from all kinds UN committees, a Security Council condemnation, engaging the ICC to prosecute Israeli government officials, and implementing a no-fly zone over the country...
So what are the prediction when this will all happen? For Libya, probably within the next week. For Israel, probably never.
Ok, but then how about a military intervention in Ivory Coast? Or a no-fly zone above Sudan?
Cartoon courtesy Al Jazeerah
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