US mass killings: good for gun sales

In the four days after the July 20 shooting in the Colorado movie theater, dealers in the state submitted 3,647 requests for state background checks required to buy a firearm, according to the FBI. That’s 41% more than during the same four days the prior week and a 38% increase over the first Friday to Monday in July. (Source)
I just crack up with this quote in the same article:
At a gun show in Loveland, Colorado (ed: no kidding, "A gunshow in Loveland"), two days after the shooting, customers bought rifles, scopes and ammunition from dealers such as Mike Ellis from Greeley.
Ellis, 43, said he regretted that no one in the theater crowd shot back.
“If there were several people carrying arms it probably wouldn’t have played out as it did,” Elllis said.
Thanks to GB for the tip.
Cartoon courtesy Bill Day /
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