Showing posts with label Central African Republic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Central African Republic. Show all posts

News: The Most Under-reported Stories of 2007

A father waits with his son to receive health care at an MSF clinic in Myanmar

Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF or Doctors without Borders) just published the Top Ten Under-reported humanitarian stories of the year 2007:

  • Displaced fleeing war in Somalia face a humanitarian crisis
  • Political and economic turmoil sparks health-care crisis in Zimbabwe
  • Drug-resistant Tuberculosis spreads as new drugs go untested
  • Expanded use of nutrient dense ready-to-use foods crucial for reducing childhood malnutrition
  • Civilians increasingly under fire in the Sri Lanka conflict
  • Conditions worsen in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo
  • Living precariously in Colombia’s conflict zones
  • Humanitarian aid restricted in Myanmar
  • Civilians caught between armed groups in the Central African Republic
  • As Chechen conflict ebbs, critical humanitarian needs still remain
The ten stories also come in pictures. Why not check also the 2006 top under-reported stories.

Picture courtesy Claude Mahoudeau/MSF.
For updated humanitarian news, check The Other World News.

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Rumble: Food Convoys in the Rainy Season

Some more pictures we got in from the field. Food convoys in the Central African Republic.

Pictures courtesy Angus Fraser (with thanks to Martin Walsh)
For updated humanitarian news, check out The Other World News

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Rumble: Food Aid Crossing African Rivers

More pictures illustrating the challenges of trucking relief food to remote locations. They were taken in CAR - the Central African Republic.

Pictures courtesy Angus Fraser with thanks to Alex Marianelli.
For updated humanitarian news, check out The Other World News

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News: Forgotten Stories.

MSF (Doctors Without Borders) published the Top 10 Most Underreported Humanitarian Stories of 2006:

  • The current conflict in Somalia may generate fleeting worldwide attention, but the abysmal day-to-day living conditions faced by Somalis remains largely forgotten.

  • Civilians in the Central African Republic (CAR) once again fell victim to horrific violence in the latest bout of conflict in a string of coups and rebellions that have plagued the country since it achieved independence from France in 1960.

  • While many people in the West consider tuberculosis (TB) a disease of a bygone era, the devastating human toll taken by the disease is increasing worldwide.

  • The conflict in Chechnya and its consequences on civilians has been almost entirely hidden from the rest of the world. While it may be decreasing in intensity, for many people who lived through the ebb and flow of this bitter twelve-year war, physical and mental scars remain.

  • Civilians in Sri Lanka have born the brunt of major fighting that resumed in August 2006 between government forces and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), especially in the country's east and northeast.

  • Every year, acute malnutrition is implicated in the preventable deaths of millions of children worldwide. At any given moment, more than 60 million young children in the world have signs of acute malnutrition.

  • In 2006, people living in the vast Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) voted in democratic parliamentary and presidential elections for the first time in decades. The elections may have thrust the DRC into the media spotlight for a brief moment, but the extreme deprivation and violence endured by millions of Congolese continued unabated and out of view.

  • Colombia is now in its fifth decade of violent conflict, and only Sudan has more internally displaced people. Massacres, executions, intimidation, and fear remain inescapable parts of everyday life for civilians living in conflict-affected areas. To date, almost three million people inside Colombia have fled their homes as the result of a conflict fueled by the narcotics trade that involves government military forces, paramilitary groups, and armed guerrillas from ELN and FARC.

  • With the exception of a short respite following presidential elections in February 2006, violence and insecurity was widespread throughout the Haitian capital, Port-au-Prince. Even with a newly elected government in place, the violence ranged from confrontations between various armed groups in the city and the Haitian National Police and UN Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH), to extensive kidnappings and sexual violence.

  • Ongoing conflict in several parts of India — including northeastern Assam and Manipur states highlighted in last year's Top 10 Underreported Humanitarian Stories list — has gone virtually unnoticed by the outside world for years.

Pictures courtesy MSF

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