Showing posts with label Serbia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Serbia. Show all posts

News: Kosovo, Independence Day


L, a friend working in Kosovo, sent me her story of the Kosovo Independence day, a sequel to her previous post.

Sunday morning, Feb 17 2008.
Kosovo awakens to another cold day, covered in a mantle of snow. It might be its last day as a Serbian province. We have agreed to meet for brunch in the market, at what we call "Police Avenue", right in front of the Justice and Police Department. There are a lot of known faces, internationals, some with a hangover from the day before, taking re-hydration salts to recover and get ready for today, the big day.. (Read the full post)

Thanks again to "L" for the story and "E" for the editing.
Picture courtesy AP (Visar Kryeziu)

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News: Kosovo, The Birth of a Nation.

This is a story from "L.", a friend working in Kosovo. The story of Kovoso's independence, seen from within.

Friday Feb 15, 2008.

It's the coldest day of this year, 2008.... Last night, as we were all holding our breath waiting to see what would happen during the meeting of the Assembly, it started snowing... At first it was really light, almost invisible, but little by little it came down in heaps... We've all been joking that the icing on the cake would be an electricity cut just when they're making the announcement. Lately, it's gone back to 5 - 7, 9 - 11 or 11 - 1, depending on the areas. (Read the full post)

The follow-up story of "L", you find here.

Thanks again for the story, "L". And flowers to "E", for the translation!
Picture courtesy AP (Bela Szandelszky)

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