Showing posts with label men. Show all posts
Showing posts with label men. Show all posts

Rumble: Italian Men - Part 2

Yesterday, we were talking with the famous "E" and "D" about the "Italian Men" issue, again. We asked ourselves "How it was possible that my previous post about Italian men got most of the Road's Google search hits?" Is it the myth about "Italian Men"? What myth then?

After that conversation, and as part of my "research" (ahum) for a series of articles about "How it is to live in Italy", I started to check the Internet for related articles. And found this interesting article and video. About the myth of Italian Men:

On the Italian Adriatic coast, where romance reigns and beachcombers bask in the sun, the notorious Latin lover looks for his prey and he hunts his conquest with chat-up lines. The women are fed up. "We run away from Italian men," said Tiziana Andreoletti. "They're such a drag." And it happens all the time. Boy meets girl and boy annoys girl. So, the Italians have enacted an interesting solution to this problem. They have created a beach strictly for women. No men, children or loud disco music are allowed. Known as "Pink Beach", it is situated along the 50-mile stretch of coastline linking Rimini to Riccione, with a pink sign that reads: "No Men". Except for the life guard.

Picture courtesy Dr.X's Free Associations

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Rumble: Italian Men...

I was having a coffee on a terrace (yep, it is still 25+ degrees over here!) with one of my closest and dearest friends. We were talking about Italy, the difference in culture, mentality and food between the different places we lived in.
I asked her: "So, as a woman, how do you see the difference between Italian men and others. What is so typical for Italian men?"
She answered: "Well..., Italian men are almost human!" :-)

It was a slip of the tongue, and she actually meant something different, but I thought it was a nice quote...
We -men- still have some work to do on ourselves... I tried to describe some of the challenges of being a woman in a men's world (for as far as I -as a man- see this)
in this short story...

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